
Artifact Hunt

  • Android Puzzle Game | Unity | Team of 5 (4 programmers)

  • Generalist Programmer | C#

In Artifact Hunt, the player takes control of Indie Jones who is in search of the Astral Amulet. The player must use Indie’s magic scepter to move boulders and logs while dodging lava pits and spike traps. Puzzles await as Indie must use pressure plates, keys, and his scepter to find the Astral Amulet and other treasures.



  • I handled most of the player movement and rotation

    • grid-based movement needed to make placing boulders/logs smooth

    • integration of other aspects such as animations and traps

  • Implemented the UI movement buttons and linked it to the player’s movement

  • I contributed with puzzle design, designing the first half of level 2 and the eastern puzzle in level 3

  • Because of the condensed nature of the project, I helped in many different areas, including a lot of bugfixing

C# code to move and rotate the player

C# code to move and rotate the player

C# code to determine if a rotation is allowed

C# code to determine if a rotation is allowed

The Artifact Hunt team with Professor Elizabeth Stringer

The Artifact Hunt team with Professor Elizabeth Stringer



Due to COVID Artifact Hunt had a very condensed development cycle of two weeks which meant we often had single day sprints. This forced us to learn how to communicate well so we were efficient in our short development time. With four programmers on a relatively small game, we had to find ways to not step on each others’ toes. There were often times were someone got blocked because someone else had the file checked out that they needed. As the development continued, our communication got better and those problems diminished.